Friday, 13 November 2015


VOTING WISELY There is a common saying that goes "Only a hungry man knows the pain of hunger" The other day during NRM primaries I felt ashamed when I saw a beautiful lady who looked like she had completed campus was fighting with others over 700 hundred shillings. Some guy had given their group which had like 70 people about 70k to distribute it among-st themselves: They had all along been chanting and shouting for a certain Aspirant. When the guy got back into his car, he told his pals " Now those are finished.. Lets go look for the other group." I couldn't believe my eyes but i remembered there have been times when I have even been worse and have begged for Supper. So I knew what 700 shillings meant to them. Now that's how low we have been reduced to. A certain friend of mine i used to work with would have died had it not been insurance policy covers where a helicopter had to evacuate him from a certain Hospital here in Uganda to Nairobi. Well.. In most cases people we elect don't actually care about us... If someone can afford to take his relative to a better hospital outside Uganda.. He will not care about you. Personally if i got any complication that needed surgery, from outside Uganda, am pretty sure i would die with out trying or fighting because I wouldn't afford. What hurts me is that whenever I look at the Taxes i have been paying for the last 6 years i have been employed.. Its much more than I have ever spent on myself who spends hours and hours in offices. Like i said earlier only a hungry man knows the pain of hunger. So people u see here on the group shouting and supporting certain parties, have reasons why.. But the next time you go to vote, look at where u are and where you are headed. These are just my personal thoughts