Tuesday, 1 November 2016
In a recent discussion I had with some cyber group, We talked about the idea of being an Atheist and our kids growing up in the 'right way' of God or 'wrong way' Non believers.
It triggered my thinking.. I remembered about 2 years ago when i was having an argument with one friend of mine who changed from his Religion his parents had baptized him (Catholic) to Islam. We were one day chatting and he told me he had just come from the mosque to Circumcise his few months old son. I asked him Why could he subject his son to that amount of pain by mutilating his genitals.. He told me as a father, he had to initiate his son to the right and good upbringing which included growing up in a good religion that taught manners. He also said that as a father he know what was right for his kids.
Then I asked him... If parents know the right from wrong how come he changed from Catholic to Moslem.. He told me his parents were living in darkness and didn't know the right. I asked him How do u know the religion you are in is what your son would want to associate with?..
From my understanding, there are 98% Chances that the religious people of the present generation belong to certain religious sects because of their parents. The other 2% are for those people who change on the later years. What I mean is.. You are a a Catholic simply because by the time you were born, your parents were Catholics and they introduced you to it when u had no idea what it means and u grew up in it. And consequently, they keep telling you that the religion you are in is the right one and others are wrong. Moslems naturally would not like their daughters to marry non Moslems, because they believe it's their religion that is right. But it's Okay for their sons to marry non Moslem women so they can turn them. Because normally women easily change leaning towards their husbands culture and beliefs except for a few big headed.
When I was Baptized, I was given a name by my Dad.. with my curiosity.. I one day asked my Mom what my name really meant.. She never had an answer.. And I couldn't ask my father because we were not that close growing up and u couldn't ask such stupid questions.. HOW DARE YOU?. So since my Mother couldn't explain to me, things didn't make sense the only thing I knew was I was the last Born. So When I reached P.7 and we were filling in the forms for Primary leaving Examinations, in one of the counselling, someone had earlier hinted that names mattered a lot later on in life.. So this was the last chance I had.. I changed my name to what suited me.. I called myself "Tiharihondijo" "There is no one else" Since there was no one else following me. It also had a connotation of No one else apart from God. By that time I was still following my Fathers Religion. As I grew up, many questions kept coming to my head about the god that we prayed for everyday, We never had lot in our family but we could at least grow our own food and get any other basic need.
When I was around 8-9 years, in Sunday school they had taught us that we should never use God's name in swearing if we had done something wrong or else God would punish us there and then. One Day I was chatting with my Nephew Bob who was almost my age and I lied to him about something I cannot remember well.. he doubted me but the only way to confirm was if I said 'I swear in God's Name" because I wanted him to believe.. me I said it.. But I was so scared and waited for what will happen to me inn the next few hours.. I wanted to see how God will kill me and burn me in eternal fire.. I spent the rest of the day restless.. But as the day went by I kept forgetting slowly and the next day I was still alive and had forgotten about everything. I realized that actually 'God' couldn't do anything to me. From then, I started lying to kids my age and get away with it by just swearing in God's name. As i grew up, things that were taught to us in Sunday schools couldn't make sense anymore.. They said City in heaven was called 'Jerusalem a city built in Gold and silver and bronze ever shinning' but as we studied more and more, I realized actually Jerusalem was a city in Palestine.
fast forward.. I realized these things of God couldn't make sense anymore.. The More I read the Bible and interacted with so called religious people, the further away it pushed me from God.. My father never wanted anyone to argue anything about God.. he would rather slap you than insult his God or ask anything about his God.
Today here I am an Atheist. I haven't changed a bit. The life i used to live is the life am still living..
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Many times i have heard people discussing things to do with Kings and all that. Many people still believe a King is Born. Personally I think people who still believe that rubbish are still thinking in reverse. No one is Born a King. When we were studying History of Kingdoms in Secondary, it was never mentioned anywhere that so and so was Born and found with different qualities and abilities that made him a King. All I learnt was that a Person would organize a group of people lead them, go to war, fight battles, and conquer Territories and he /she rules them. Now that's how Kings were made. Apparently in all those that call themselves Kings or want to be Kings, no one has fought any battle to conquer any territory. They still live on the blood, sweat and grind of their Great, Great, great, Great. Grand fathers. Since the King had soldiers and wealth, everybody had to respect the King and he King in order to maintain his status, of course he had to make orders and Rules that would most definitely favor his stay in even when he was dead. His family would remain ruling those territories. Those people used to rule uncivilized people, who had no choice but o respect him. because whoever would show resistance o any opposition towards the King, he would be instantly killed. That would make any orders from the King unquestionable. If he decided that his son would take over, after his death, no one would dare say NO.
Apparently, many people have gone to school and have been exposed. We No longer have territories to conquer because we live in a world where we chose someone that we think should be leading us just like any other organised society. That gives us mandate to chose another leader in case we are not satisfied with the same person. That was not done with the Kings.
I come from the Western part of Uganda in what used to be the Kingdom of Ankole. And I don't think any civilized society needs a king anymore when they have a president and some other leaders whom they vote into power.
Its the 21st Century and we don't have Kings and I don't think we need them anymore.
I loved president Museveni's submission on Kings in Ankole Kingdom. I might not be interested in voting Museveni for the 4th Term but I love his submission about Kingdoms. The Kings can be somewhere else but Ankole We are far better than that. We are a step a head of others.
We can't go back the ICE AGE.
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
About 23 years Ago, Bottle tops (Covers) were the most precious Possessions any teenager would have(We used to call them encoko or obudankara).
I remember those days when we would spend the whole day playing that game and in our school bags instead of books the biggest part would be occupied by those tops. Some would be soo dirty because we used to play them from the soil where we would dig a small hall on the ground and get a nice stone to smash the target.
Whenever one would not be having any but wanted to join the game, you would ask from a friend to give u one so he can multiply them after playing and winning others, Normally if a friend knew u were not good at the game, he wouldn't dare give you coz he knew you would lose it to sharp shooters.
The day I learnt that most witch doctors are crooks and people would ignorantly believe because they had no choice. We were in Primary 4 by then I was used to share a seat with Jonan whom we came from the same village and were somehow related. In the same class, there was another boy called Emmanuel. Emmanuel was soo cunning that in class he knew that some kids were ignorant. What Emmanuel did was to become a witch doctor. Guys started fearing him. Whenever you would lose your pencil or a pen or a book, u would go to him and he catches the thief for you. Now in return. (we call it okutaasura) You would give him either 2 bottle tops (obudankara). But he would mostly demand for money first which would be either 50 shillings or 100 shillings.
How he used to do it
There used to be this plant i don't remember its name in English but in Runyankore they call it 'Ereka' which they used to clean Banana sap from hands after peeling. Now What Emmanuel did was; he would get a branch of that plant and roast it a bit, and come with it at school. Whenever u would approach him to report about your missing item, he would first ask you the names of 2 or three suspects, then he gets there small pebbles and label each pebble a name from each suspect names u had given him. He would then Put stones and put them on his school bag. then after fix that plant in his nose and he starts singing as he knocks repeatedly on the bag slowly.. Whichever stone would run away from others, that would be the thief.
Now Jonan used to trust that guy much. In fact he introduced me to him when I lost my pen. He asked for either 50 shillings or to bottle tops if I wanted him to catch a thief for me. I just looked at him and laughed. God enough I didn't have any of those both money and the bottle tops. But I looked at him and knew he was conning my friends.
Today, those bottle tops are part of rubbish.
And life still goes on
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
dickensideas: WHY AFRICA NEEDS TO BE COLONIZED AGAIN: WHY AFRICA NEEDS TO BE COLONIZED AGAIN: Of recent, i developed some interest in reading about technology, much as am not in that field, but...
Of recent, i developed some interest in reading about technology, much as am not in that field, but i have been reading a lot about such things especially, things to do with sending man to the moon, mars, Rocket Science, How the International sSpace Station works.. and all the literature there is about Deep Space.. It made me realize how Africa is still really behind. Then I asked myself, How come Africa's leaders' biggest attention and gazillions of money are mostly spent on how to remain in power. Nearly 3/4 of Africa's Presidents have been leaders for decades and decades, and still counting.. with all the money and raw materials.. we have.. We can't even think of manufacturing small things like needles phone. Other countries like America, China, Russia, spend billions of money on such research and technology. In 1969, an American was landing on the moon, That was 7 years later after Uganda' had declared itself independent and preparing itself for #Steady_Progress. 46 years later, somewhere in Ntungamo District Uganda, man is beating and killing fellow man because he doesn't support a candidate of his choice. Somewhere in Burundi, Man is killing a fellow man, spilling innocent blood, because one person is is selfishly thinking he is the only person fit to lead the country. Wheresoever in Mbarara, someone is busy covering and plucking posters off the wall of a certain candidate he doesn't support. SSomehwrein Kampala, someone is being kidnapped and taken to unknown locations because he doesn't support a certain candidate. Somewhere in a church buildings, someone is busy on their knees with arms folded waiting for a miracle to happen. Somewhere in Mbarara a group of people are walking around with Sacks of money.. giving out some handouts.. to people so they could vote for specific candidates.. Somewhere in a shrine, a certain man is busy slaughtering a neighbor's son as sacrifice to get riches, AND Am somewhere wondering, with this kind of reason whether Independence of such African countries was ready enough or premature. Am trying hard hard look for reasons why Slave Trade was abolished in Africa. Because with this kind of reason in some Africans, I think I would be right to say, we still need to be colonized and maybe sold into slavery otherwise we are useless for real and we have really learnt nothing nor forgotten anything. Because for how long are we going to continue living like this? For how long are we going to keep such leaders in power whose interest is only themselves? How long can we stand and look while a man kills a fellow man because they have different political ideologies?
We need to Wake Up if we are to move on with the rest of the world otherwise it is really laughable to tell people that Africa's countries are independent and developing. We are not going anywhere.
#Liberators_Do_Not_Exist_People_Liberate_Themselves - #CheGuevara.
These are just personal thoughts.
Friday, 13 November 2015
There is a common saying that goes "Only a hungry man knows the pain of hunger"
The other day during NRM primaries I felt ashamed when I saw a beautiful lady who looked like she had completed campus was fighting with others over 700 hundred shillings. Some guy had given their group which had like 70 people about 70k to distribute it among-st themselves: They had all along been chanting and shouting for a certain Aspirant. When the guy got back into his car, he told his pals " Now those are finished.. Lets go look for the other group." I couldn't believe my eyes but i remembered there have been times when I have even been worse and have begged for Supper. So I knew what 700 shillings meant to them. Now that's how low we have been reduced to. A certain friend of mine i used to work with would have died had it not been insurance policy covers where a helicopter had to evacuate him from a certain Hospital here in Uganda to Nairobi. Well.. In most cases people we elect don't actually care about us... If someone can afford to take his relative to a better hospital outside Uganda.. He will not care about you. Personally if i got any complication that needed surgery, from outside Uganda, am pretty sure i would die with out trying or fighting because I wouldn't afford. What hurts me is that whenever I look at the Taxes i have been paying for the last 6 years i have been employed.. Its much more than I have ever spent on myself who spends hours and hours in offices. Like i said earlier only a hungry man knows the pain of hunger. So people u see here on the group shouting and supporting certain parties, have reasons why.. But the next time you go to vote, look at where u are and where you are headed.
These are just my personal thoughts
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
In 1994 during the CA Elections, I was still young in P.3 class. But What I still vividly remember was the time Amanya Mushega and the likes of Nathan Behangana when they were contesting. The Day Amanya Mushega won, together with other village mates we slept outside with Jerry Cans, and drums, Singing, walking the whole Village celebrating Mushega's Victory. The following night we did the same.. But somewhere along the way in the middle of the night I asked myself What exactly it was that I was celebrating for. I asked myself what a person like Mushega could ever help me personally, I still wondered if he knows me or if there would ever be time and he gets to know me... I decided to lie to the boys whom we had that we go home and we pick some yellows. When we reached, I entered the house and told them goodnight and thanked them for escorting me. Time passed by and Mushega served his terms earned his money meanwhile I was still the same boy.. in the same school, TRUTH Is I have never met him in person to say I used to support you even if I never was old enough to vote. Today I see a lot of young boys running after politicians, hating on each other, abusing each other, because of certain Politicians who barely know them. Its not until the Politician you were wholeheartedly supporting hoping to get something in return starts amassing wealth onto his OWN account that you realise that actually.. Everyone who goes around lying to you that they will work for you or liberate you, actually is also looking for Survival. One true Politician Che Guevara said.. "I am not a liberator. Liberators don't exist. The people liberate themselves". Iam so happy I realised that when I was still in P.3. One thing I Promised myself is AS LONG AS WE STILL we still have this system of Government, with its BATSHIT Politicians. I will never waste my time Again and energy that am supporting anyone, or vote for anyone. Let others decide if he turns out a good person well and good, if he turns out just like any other corrupt, greed Politician, It won't be my CALL either.
In 1994 during the CA Elections, I was still young in P.3 class. But What I still vividly remember was the time Amanya Mushega and the likes of Nathan Behangana when they were contesting. The Day Amanya Mushega won, together with other village mates we slept outside with Jerry Cans, and drums, Singing, walking the whole Village celebrating Mushega's Victory. The following night we did the same.. But somewhere along the way in the middle of the night I asked myself What exactly it was that I was celebrating for. I asked myself what a person like Mushega could ever help me personally, I still wondered if he knows me or if there would ever be time and he gets to know me... I decided to lie to the boys whom we had that we go home and we pick some yellows. When we reached, I entered the house and told them goodnight and thanked them for escorting me. Time passed by and Mushega served his terms earned his money meanwhile I was still the same boy.. in the same school, TRUTH Is I have never met him in person to say I used to support you even if I never was old enough to vote. Today I see a lot of young boys running after politicians, hating on each other, abusing each other, because of certain Politicians who barely know them. Its not until the Politician you were wholeheartedly supporting hoping to get something in return starts amassing wealth onto his OWN account that you realise that actually.. Everyone who goes around lying to you that they will work for you or liberate you, actually is also looking for Survival. One true Politician Che Guevara said.. "I am not a liberator. Liberators don't exist. The people liberate themselves". Iam so happy I realised that when I was still in P.3. One thing I Promised myself is AS LONG AS WE STILL we still have this system of Government, with its BATSHIT Politicians. I will never waste my time Again and energy that am supporting anyone, or vote for anyone. Let others decide if he turns out a good person well and good, if he turns out just like any other corrupt, greed Politician, It won't be my CALL either.
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